Monday, April 30 – The President of the University of Akron, Matthew Wilson, visited Sias International University on the 28th of April. The Visiting Chinese Director of the Confucius Institute at the University of Akron, Dr. Liu Xiuhua, accompanied President Wilson on this visit. They met with the Chairman of the Board of Sias, Dr. Shawn Chen, and had talks with the deans of the School
Friday, April 28 – The Dalian Wanda Group invited the Chairman of the Board of Sias, Dr. Shawn Chen, and the Founder of U.S.-based Plug and Play (PNP), Rahim Amidi, to a meeting with the Chairman of Dalian Wanda Group, Wang Jianlin, on the 27th of April. Also present at the meeting was the Vice President of Dalian Wanda Commercial Properties, Lai Jianyan.   At the meeting,
2017 Track & Field Games[04/24/2017 02:38 PM]
Monday, April 24 – The opening ceremony of the 2017 Track & Field Games was held at Sias' Track & Field Stadium on the 20th of April. Chief guests at the opening ceremony included President Emeritus of Fort Hays State University (FHSU), Dr. Edward Hammond; the Assistant Provost for Strategic Partnerships at FHSU, Cindy Elliott; Director of the Physical Education & Arts
Friday, April 21 – The President Emeritus of Fort Hays State University, Dr. Edward Hammond, and the Chairman of the Board of Sias, Dr. Shawn Chen, visited the Henan Provincial Department of Education on the 20th of April. The Deputy Director of the Henan Department of Education, Yin Hongbin, met with Dr. Chen and Dr. Hammond and discussed student exchanges and international cooperation.
Friday, April 21 – To continue to improve the teaching quality and professionalism of teachers, Sias International University organized an advanced educational teaching seminar in the Sias administration building on the afternoon of the 20th of April. The keynote speakers were Professor and doctoral tutor at the Capital Normal University, and member of the Beijing Municipal Education
Thursday, April 20 – Sias International University and Henan Xinzheng Rural Commercial Bank signed a strategic cooperation agreement on the 19th of April. The signing ceremony was held at Sias' adminstration building. Representatives of Henan Xinzheng Rural Commercial Bank who were present were the Chairman, Ma Wenming, President He Dongting, Vice President Yuan Zhantuan, and the
Wednesday, April 19 – Sias International University and the China Information Management Leaders Alliance founded the Future of Information Technology Institute (FITI) on the 18th of April in the Sias Basketball Arena. Senior partners of FITI present at the inauguration were Senior Vice President of Shineray Holdings, Ma Jun; Chief Information Officer (CIO) of Sinosteel, and Renmin
Monday, April 17 – The 2017 Henan Province University Libraries Conference was held at Sias International University on Friday, the 14th of April. The senior leaders present were Director of the Henan Province Universities & Colleges Library and Information Committee, Cui Muyue; Deputy Secretary-General of the National Universities & Colleges Library and Information Committee,
Thursday, March 30 – The 11th International Forum on Huang Di Culture opened on the 28th of March, 2017, at Sias International University. A large number of dignitaries visited Sias [see list below]. Sias was represented by the Party Secretary, Fei Hexiang; Sias President, Dr. Chen Sikun; Vice President, Liu Shuqin; Deputy Party Secretary, Li Huafeng; Assistant Principal, Sun Rujian;
Thursday, March 30 – The Deputy Director of the Henan Provincial People’s Congress Standing Committee, Jiang Duyun, visited Sias International University on the 29th of March. He is also the former Director of the Henan Province Department of Education.   Sias Party Secretary, Fei Hexiang, Sias President, Dr. Chen Sikun, and members of the School Office,
Delegation from UMY visits Sias[03/30/2017 01:31 PM]
Thursday, March 30 – A delegation from Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta (UMY), from Bantul, Indonesia, visited Sias International University on the 28th and 29th of March. The delegation had more than 20 members, and was received by Sias President, Dr. Chen Sikun, Proctor Han Xiaoai, and Assistant Principal, Guo Xuede. Leaders from the research departments and the School of
Monday, March 20 – The President of the Chinese Society of Education, Prof. Zhong Binglin, visited Sias. A renowned scholar, Zhong Binglin, is also a former President of Beijing Normal University, the current Secretary of Higher Education at the Ministry of Education, and an Honorary Vice-Chancellor of Cardiff University in the United Kingdom.   The founder and Chairman of
Thursday, March 9 – A leadership meeting was organized by Sias International University, on the 8th of March, in the Administration building. In attendance were Sias Party Secretary, Fei Hexiang, Sias President, Dr. Chen Sikun, Vice President, Liu Shuqin, Deputy Party Secretary, Li Huafeng, Assistant Principal, Sun Rujian, Assistant Principal, Guo Xuede, along with the heads of various
Thursday, March 9 – Sias International University leaders were invited to speak at the Zhengzhou University Hospital for the 107th International Women’s Day on the 8th of March. Sias Party Secretary, Fei Hexiang, delivered a speech, as did Sias School Union President, Wang Xiaojie. They spoke of the important role that female faculty members play in the development of universities.
Monday, February 27 – On the morning of the 25th of February, Sias International University and IT Value co-founded the ‘Sias-IT Institute of Value Management’ in a signing ceremony at Plug and Play’s China headquarters in Beijing.   Signatories and witnesses of the signing included Founder and Chairman of the Board of Sias, Dr. Shawn Chen; Founder of
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