Sias News, November 2016[11/14/2016 04:33 PM]
The official Sias Video News for the events in October and early November, 2016.   
Sias News, September 2016[10/09/2016 03:02 PM]
Sias' official bilingual video news, covering events from July to September, 2016, including the visit of the US Ambassador, Max Baucus, and the Candlelight Ceremony.    
Sias News, June 2016[06/08/2016 09:47 AM]
Sias' bilingual video news, covering events from May, 2016, including Homecoming and the Commencement.  
Homecoming, 2016 (Video)[05/31/2016 03:14 PM]
A video that encapsulates all the fun and festivities of Homecoming Day, on the 28th of May, 2016.  
Sias News, May 2016[05/13/2016 03:19 PM]
Sias' Official bilingual news video that covers events from late March to early May 2016.    
Sias News, March 2016[04/20/2016 04:22 PM]
Official bilingual Sias News that covers events from December 2015 to March 2016.    
Sias News, November 2015[12/02/2015 10:02 AM]
Official bilingual Sias Video News that covers events from October and November, 2015.    
Snowy Sias[11/30/2015 02:05 PM]
Xinzheng received moderate snowfall on the night of the 23rd of November, covering Sias in snow!  
A video showing what Sias' International Culture Week is all about - taken from 'China Day' on the 2nd of November, 2015.  
Sias News, September 2015[10/12/2015 04:04 PM]
Official bilingual Sias Video News that covers events from June to September, 2015.    
Candlelight Ceremony, 2015[09/22/2015 10:25 AM]
Sias’ Candlelight Ceremony, held at the Sias Stadium, is an event that is getting bigger with each passing year and is receiving more coverage as the domestic and international profile of Sias rises.  
Teacher's Day, 2015[09/14/2015 11:50 AM]
A video made for Teacher's Day, that compares the daily life of a teacher and a student.    
Freshmen Arrive at Sias[09/11/2015 11:18 AM]
Freshmen for the academic year 2015-16 arrived at Sias on the 29th and 30th of August. 7,289 freshmen registered with Sias on these two days!    
Sias Commencement, 2015[06/17/2015 03:05 PM]
On the 31st of May, the commencement for Sias’ graduating students was held in the Sias gymnasium. Over 6,000 students graduated from Sias this year.  
Sias Homecoming Parade, 2015[06/17/2015 03:04 PM]
On the 30th of May, Sias’ annual Homecoming was held across the campus with a large parade. After a whole host of activities and interactive forums, the day ended with Sias’ first ‘Colour Run.'  
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