
Sias International University launched a new virtual campus in May, 2015. It was the vision of former President, Dr. Richard Li-Hua, to inspire innovation, develop students' skills, and teach them what it means to be an innovator. It was also meant to inspire Sias staff members' research interests. The goal of the Sias Academy for Open Innovation is to foster a campus culture that creates innovators, not imitators.


Innovation involves the deliberate application of information, imagination, and initiative in deriving greater or different values from resources, and includes all processes by which new ideas are generated and converted into useful products. (Business Dictionary)


The Sias Academy for Open Innovation provides students with the means and opportunities to be innovators. The Innovation Academy will have:


 - Credit courses on Innovation
 - Innovation laboratories
 - Mentors to guide the students
 - Innovation competitions
 - Conferences and forums on Innovation for students and faculty members
 - Access to global leaders of Innovation, and more!

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