
 The World Academy for the Future of Women began as a one year program for 100 university women from freshman to senior year, to a multi-year, multi-level program for both women and men. Today the Academy has five separate divisions comprised of members from all class levels, freshman through senior year.  The division levels are:

  • First Year World Academy for the Future of Women (Year 1 women)
  • Advanced World Academy for the Future of Women (Year 2 women)
  • Men’s Academy for the Future of Women (Year 1 men)
  • Advanced Men’s Academy for the Future of Women (Year 2 men)
  • World Academy in Action (Year 3 women and men)


Students may apply to become a member of the World Academy in their freshmen, sophomore, junior or senior year. All students begin as First Year Academy members and progress through the program based on their performance and commitment to improve their leadership abilities and perform in leadership roles on campus, in their community, in their country, or in the world.

World Academy members are chosen through a process of application, references and interviews. Students accepted as World Academy members participate 8-10 hours each week attending seminars, project research and design labs, open forums, and coaching sessions. In addition, members become a team member in one of the World Academy Projects focused on one or more of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals. Advanced members may create new projects or enlarge the scope of an existing project. No academic credit is given to World Academy members. World Academy Members pay no fees to participate in the World Academy.


Members of the World Academy Facilitator Body are volunteers who have participated in a 15-18 hour orientation describing the origin and development of the World Academy and how it works. Volunteers completing the orientation then choose to participate in ways that best serve the World Academy utilizing their knowledge, networks, and skill sets. They may volunteer to seek resources, develop programs, conduct research, become mentors, provide internships, give or get financial support, attend the Annual Women's Symposium or other significant tasks to accelerate women’s leadership and the work of the World Academy worldwide.

Others choose to be a World Academy facilitator and make a commitment to travel to an Academy site for five weeks and deliver a four (4) week module of the World Academy curriculum, aligning their unique experience and expertise with the World Academy curriculum outcomes. Facilitators assume their own transportation costs and the host site provides housing and meals during their stay at the Academy site. No remuneration is provided for facilitator services. More than 65 facilitators have generously delivered the World Academy curriculum over the last five years.

Facilitator orientations can be requested and scheduled when a group of 10 or more women or men request to participate. Organizations and associations are invited to partner with the World Academy to promote the growth of the Facilitator Body or sponsor one of their members to be a World Academy Facilitator.


Members of the Advisory Board contributed to the growth and expansion of the work of the World Academy through their commitment, concerns, and connections. Their support and partnership forges new frontiers and widens our vision for new possibilities.


The World Academy for the Future of Women is a program of Global Interactions, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. The Board contributes leadership, vision, high standards of operation and oversight in the pursuit of program workability and participant results.

  • Robert Ford
  • Lindsey Johnson
  • Suzanne Martin, Ph.D.
  • Jeanie Miller
  • Jerrie Ueberle
  • Judith Luther Wilder
  • Warren Young

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