Frequently Asked Questions about General Items

1. Can I go home in case of emergency?
Yes, the university will do everything possible to give you time off in the event of an emergency. They may even be able to assist you in some of the logistics. Any cost associated with travel will be yours to arrange.


2. Can my family visit?
Yes, the university will instruct you on the proper paperwork to be filed in order to get visas for visitors. You may rent a room in the foreign teacher's building for a small fee, have them stay in your apartment, or host them at the Sias Hotel. This can be a great way to share your experiences in China with other people in your life.


3. How about safety issues?
The university is patrolled by security guards at night, and is guarded at the gates. The foreign teachers' building has an attendant that watches the front door and locks it at night. The Chinese government is extremely effective at crime control, and terrorist attacks in this province have never proved to be an issue. Feel free to consult the US Department of State advisories for any specific information you might require.


4. What is the weather like?
Autumn and Spring both have comfortable mild weather with intermittent rain. Be prepared for hot and humid summers, and cold damp winters with some snow. For more information on weather patterns in the region, please see the information provided at via the following link:


Zhengzhou Average Climate by Month

Zhengzhou Average Monthly Temperatures

Zhengzhou Average Monthly Precipitation



5. What do the students think of Americans?
Each student will have a different opinion, but in general, the students are very eager to spend time with their foreign teachers. In fact, you might find that you have a kind of "celebrity status" on campus. The common misconception is that Americans are exactly like what is seen in American movies. So, some students think all Americans are wealthy, or live like movie stars. Others think Americans are rude, overweight, loud, etc.


6. What is the key to the best possible experience in China?
FLEXIBILITY! We strive to be as honest and accurate as we can in answering all questions,
but the reality is that things will change that are beyond our control. Living abroad, especially in a culture that is very different from your own, is a wonderful, but often unpredictable experience.

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