Renowned German Industrial Designer delivers lecture at Sias

Friday, April 27 – Famous German industrial designer, Mathis Heller, visited Sias and delivered a lecture on the 26th of April. He was accompanied by the President of the North China Region of De Tao Group Masters Academy, Yuan Qinggang. Sias' Executive Vice President, Dong Qiming, as well as leaders of the School of Art & Design were also present at the lecture.


The Dean of the School of Art & Design, Liu Shisheng, presided over the lecture and introduced the "Master Class" to be implemented at the School of Art & Design. He said that he hoped that students would grasp the opportunity to learn from those at the forefront of international design, and learn the latest developments and achievements both domestically and internationally.


Executive Vice President, Dong Qiming, welcomed Mathis Heller to Sias, and spoke of Sias' East-meets-West concept, campus facilities, educational philosophy, recent developments, and the School of Art & Design. He said that he hoped that through this lecture, both Sias students and faculty would be able to advance the internationalization of the academics in their classrooms at the School of Art & Design.


Before his lecture, Mathis Heller, said that he was impressed by Sias' architectural design and cultural ideas. He said that he hoped to have more opportunities in the future to help deepen the exchanges and cooperation between Sias and institutes in foreign countries.


On the 26th and 27th of April, Mathis Heller visited classrooms at Sias and led a group of students in brainstorming activities which he then reviewed and analyzed. He also showed students how to make strategic preparations so that they would be competitive at international awards on behalf of Sias' School of Art & Design.

Famous German industrial designer, Mathis Heller, delivered a lecture at the Sias Library Auditorium

The lecture was delivered on the 26th of April

The Dean of the School of Art & Design, Liu Shisheng

Executive Vice President of Sias, Dong Qiming

Mathis Heller

Q&A Session with Mathis Heller

Students at the New Sias Library Auditorium

"Brainstorming" with students at the School of Art & Design

"Brainstorming" with students at the School of Art & Design

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