19th Campus Singing Competition

Tuesday, April 24 – The final round of Sias' 19th Singing Competition was held on the 23rd of April at the Roman Amphitheater. The competition, organized by the Student Union, was watched by Sias Party Secretary, Ma Jiansheng, Deputy Party Secretary, Li Huafeng, members of the Sias Party Committee, the Dean of the School of Law, members of the Communist Youth League, and hundreds of students from the various schools at Sias.


The judges included the Deputy Secretary General of the Henan Youth Federation, member of the Henan Musician's Association, and Henan Province Judge for the Super Girls singing competition, Yu Shuyu; the Deputy Secretary General of the Sport Dance Association at the Henan Student Sports Association, the Director of the Dance Education Committee at the Henan Dancer's Association, Han Ning; and the Silver Medal Winner at the National Tian Gong Music Awards, and Gold Medal Winner in the Postgraduate Group at the Henan College Students Music Competition, Xu Xinyu.


The finals began at 7 in the evening, with opening acts performing original songs before the 12 finalists performed together. The finals were split into two rounds with the 12 finalists performing individually. The performances were also interspersed with street dance performances that added to the atmosphere in the Roman Amphitheater. After the first round, 6 finalists were eliminated, with 6 progressing to the second round.


At the end of the competition, Yu Shuyu gave the 12 finalists constructive professional advice on their performances. The winners were Lin Siyu and the Small Goldfish Group (Xiao Jin Yu Group). Wang Deyu and Chuo Xinyu were the runners-up, with Siu Xinyu winning the award for popularity among the audience.

Opening performance

A message from the Chairman of the Board of Sias, Dr. Shawn Chen




The finals were held at the Roman Amphitheater






Group photo

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